Animals and the people who rescue them
Malvadal Grisfristad, one of the few sanctuaries dedicated to rescuing farmed animals in Sweden, is home to 3 perspective-changing pigs, but also faces challenges.
In the month following the February 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, 3.6 million refugees fled the country in search of safety. Many companion animals, including dogs, cats, birds and rodents, traveled with them—and many were left behind, displaced by the heavy fighting.
In this interview with French photographer Nathalie Merle, we explore how animal rescue, veterinary medicine and mental health all tie together in the tapestry of her photography.
As of January, 2023, homelessness affects approximately 653,100 people in the United States. Up to 25% have companion animals. This story shows the work of veterinarians, rescue organizations and individuals that provide free care across three cities in the western United States.
Respect and safety are integral to Alexis’ approach to photographing animals. Her work as a volunteer at animal rescues and sanctuaries, as well as her undercover work as an animal rights activist is driven, in part, by a hope that her work can inspire others.
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On any given day, approximately 1.5 million equines are living their lives as working animals across Morocco. They are pulling plows on farms, carrying tourists through city streets, and enduring lives of hard labor. For the most part, their struggle goes unnoticed.